The basic organizational unit of the archive material is the fond, which is the entire body of records addressed to or created by an organization or person, and which is accumulated and properly preserved by the respective organization or person, e.g. the records of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Subfonds are further divisions of the fond, e.g. the minutes taken in the sessions of the Council of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, the records of the Dean’s Office or students’ registers. Subfonds are further divided into sub-sub-fonds, e.g. series. The scope of the divisions is to create the simplest possible way of identifying and accessing archival material as a professionally organized logical system. The discovery and research of the Archives’ records are facilitated by finding aids, the two basic ones being our lists of fonds and subfonds, and our archival inventory. The lists of fonds and subfonds are accurate registrations of the structures and main data of our records, while our archival inventory provides more detailed information on the smaller units, the subject and the system of our records.